Here's a quick look at the options available with JettyRunner:
Project | The project containing your webapplication. The projects' classpath will be used when launching Jetty. |
Jetty Home | The installation of Jetty you want to use for the current launcher definition. |
Use Options/ Use a Jetty XML configuration file | Options switch whether the provided options or the provided xml configuration file should be used for the current launcher definition. |
webapp root dir | A project relative directory where your web application is to be found. Typically, this directory contains the directory WEB-INF with the servlet configuration file 'web.xml'. |
context name | The context name of your web application. This is the name your web application is registered as with Jetty. For instance, if the context name is 'mywebapp', you can run it by pointing your web browser at 'http://localhost:8080/mywebapp'. |
http host | The hostname/ adress that should be used when binding Jetty. Usually the default value (localhost) is fine. |
http port | The port that Jetty will listen to for HTTP requests. |
Enable NSCA logging | Whether a request log in the NSCA format should be configured. See Jetty Logging for details. |
Use a custom webdefaults config file | With this option, you can override some defaults of Jetty (like whether to startup org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet, and whether it should use Jikes or the JDK compiler). |
see also Using Jetty XML configuration files